When you arrive one of our Greeters will welcome you and show you to your seat.

If you have children, please arrive early so that they can register for the children’s ministry classes.

The service will begin at 10.30 am, when the worship team will lead the congregation into worship with both contemporary and traditional hymns, to help us draw near to God and experience his presence, love and grace.

We will have some announcements followed by the collection of the offering and tithes (no one should feel pressured to give). If you choose to give, it should be a free-will offering. This is biblical.

This will be followed by the sermon taken from the Bible, which we accept as the infallible Word of God.

At the end, we might sing a hymn, followed by an invitation for those who would like to commit their lives to Jesus and for those with special prayer requests.

Around 12.00 noon we close the service, giving everyone the opportunity to meet in the hall for light complimentary refreshments.

If you are visiting for the first time, please go to the Welcome desk where you will receive a welcome pack.

We look forward to seeing you.